So even someone who is training to be a therapist has issues you say? YES! I am not perfect and even though I know the techniques my counselor is using and I know how to use them (well she does have 20 years experience on me!) I can't seem to apply them to my own life without her direction. I find myself in our sessions trying to figure out what technique she is using....and taking mental notes of how she did it :) and how I felt when she did. So I am working through my own issues but also learning! Plus 2 for therapy.
Everyone has problems that is a fact of life. It is not having problems that is the issue really it is what and how you handle those problems that is the issue. Obviously I recommend that people seek out a trained therapist to help them work through their issues but there are other ways that people can help themselves with life issues. My next favorite way after seeking out a therapist is books. Books can offer you so much in just about anything topic you can think of. So if you're having an issue and can't or won't seek out a therapist look for a book to get you started. If you need some recommendations I would be glad to help you!
So the point of this post you say? Well just to tell you that EVERYONE has problems and no one is immune even famous people and presidents suffer. So keep this in mind the next time you are thinking about your problems, and keep in mind the quote above about tossing them into a pile with everyone else you just might see that they really are not so bad after all....
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