As many of you are already aware of Whitney Houston apparently has died. The cause of her death remains a mystery as of right now but hearing of her death got me thinking. Clearly Whitney has had years of drug use and addiction plaguing her but I wonder if the drug use was just a way to self medicate other issues? Has anyone else noticed how many celebrities are dying? It seems constant lately that someone famous has died and I wonder if being famous has anything to do with their death?
Lets face it we don't give celebrities any privacy and we are constant in our search for every detail about their lives and we are quick to criticize their every move especially when they say we need to respect their privacy. We judge them for their weight, hair color, choice of clothing, partners, children and the list goes on and on. In our minds when they decided to become a celebrity they forfeited their own right to privacy. Do you believe this? I personally can only imagine how celebrities must feel and how it must suck to have someone watching your every move.
But I do wonder as an aspiring therapist just what effect such an invasion has on the mental health of these people. Clearly some of them have issues aka Britney Spears who has publicity lashed out and shaved her head. But does the public have any responsibility for this? Do we really have a right to hound celebrities so much and not let them have any privacy?
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