Is there really anything better than cracking open a new book? We are a family of readers, I read my husband reads (although he milks books unlike me who reads most books in a matter of days, takes him WEEKS!) and my 4.5 year old LOVES to read. So we get excited about going to bookstores. Today was such a day. We got snow in our area and were pretty much stuck in the house all week so today we went to lunch, the wally world, and the bookstore where I proceeded to buy a few books.

All but one of those is somewhat related to counseling. Of course Nanny Returns has nothing to do with counseling....but I have to read what I call mindless reading (no offense to the author meant here) to keep my sanity. The majority of my time is spent reading textbooks so I have to have something I can read that doesn't relate to textbooks or counseling or helping someone do this or that and doesn't require much thought on my part. I also decided today that I needed to start practicing some form of daily meditation, hence meditation book above :) I will list these books on my what I am reading page and once I finish reading them I will do a mini-review of each.
You know something I thought today......I want to become a sponge. A sponge that soaks up knowledge about anything and everything to do with counseling and how I can 1. become a better counselor and 2. have a large variety of tools at my disposal to accomplish number 1. So that is what I intend to do. I am going to order a few more books from Amazon and I am considering signing up for a PTSD workshop in March so wish me luck!
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