I believe that everyone makes and has choices when it comes to their lives. Even though at times we may not feel like we have a choice by not choosing to exercise our choice we are in essence choosing. So with those choices I believe we can choose to make changes when it comes to our baggage.
Once we decide we no longer want to carry it we can make the choice to drop it...whew what a relief! I am not saying that you can snap your fingers and poof your baggage will disappear, that will take time and HARD work on your part. But something happens once you even acknowledge you want to change, things CHANGE. The change in your attitude creates change and that change gives you the will to keep it going. Problem is....people don't do change well........see below.

Even with the resistance to change people do it all the time. So if you decide that your baggage is to heavy to keep carrying....it's time to make a change and trade out the old heavy bag for a much more cushioned one :). I recommend finding a local qualified therapist of course to help you with your journey :)
Picture 1, 2, 3.
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