
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Religion as justification

I am sure that you have heard all the hype related to Chick Fil A and Dan Cathy speaking out about his belief in traditional marriage although that was not exactly how it was put in his interview but that is the jist of it. I would like Mr. Cathy to help me understand how religion is what defines marriage? When you get married you have to get a civil license to do so not a religious one do you not? Legally you are not considered married unless and until you have obtained a marriage license from where?? Not a church!

I have read articles from both sides and I have to say I am disgusted with the use of religion as a justification for hate and for those supporting hate. People are using the bible and what it says pertaining to being homosexual as a justification for promoting a company that so clearly is advocating for hate. Chick Fil A has given millions of dollars to hate groups who have went so far as to say that being gay should be punishable by law. Really? So you cover up your hate by using the bible and what God wants by twisting what indeed was taught by Jesus and the bible into what you believe was meant. Jesus taught love and acceptance for even those who have sinned, if you believe being gay is a sin. But please show me where you have never sinned. I have stated this before numerous times...a sin is a sin is a sin the eyes of God. 

Do you cut your hair? Shave your face? Have you been divorced? Have you slept in bed with a menstruating women? Have you ever eaten shrimp? Do you have a tattoo? Do you eat junk food?  All of these according to the bible are sins. There are more. All sins are created equal. Any of the above mentioned sins in my opinion are NO different than the sin of being gay (again if you believe that being gay is a sin). What Mr. Cathy said and the actions that follow his spoken words are a sin. He is advocating hatred towards gay people, he is providing tools for people to spread that hatred. Is this what Jesus taught? The Jesus I have learned about was a loving kind man who taught love and acceptance to ALL people even those who had wronged him.

Help me understand how you get to pick and choose what truth in the bible applies to your life? I tend to be an all or nothing type of person. You either believe the bible as your truth or you don't. It amazes me how the bible is taken so literal in areas that you choose for it to yet in other areas oh well it is okay if you don't follow that part. You get to choose to be against gay people but you don't have to eat your children even though the bible clearly tells you to. So PLEASE stop using the bible and religion as a justification for your ignorance and hate. It does nothing but promote intolerance for your religion and causes more and more people to turn their backs on it.

And just in case you want to know where it tells you to eat your children...see here: Leviticus.

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