
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Enjoying The Ride....

The ride of life that is. I found myself chatting with a friend and fellow student last night about just enjoying the ride that life is taking us on. To often we try to control our lives so much that we forget to stop and think about just being for today. We seem to constantly be thinking about yesterday or tomorrow but never about today. It made me stop and ask myself why? Why do we live in the past or live for the future all the time and neglect today? I hate the sound weird here but I have to say is the only day we know we have, tomorrow is never guaranteed and yesterday is already gone. The only day we can control is today. The only day we can change is today. It all starts with today with this very moment.

Hoping and thinking about tomorrow does not do any good if that thinking interferes with your ability to live in today. Remembering yesterday or many days past does no good if it interferes with your today. All of this is so much easier said than done. We all wish for tomorrow and remember yesterday often times in a way that doesn't allow us to live today. I do it. I am sure you do to. My only question is why? Why do we do it?

My thoughts are we do it because of a few reasons. One is that it is what we know it is almost automatic for us. Two is that we are getting some type of pay off by doing it. What are you getting? And the last thing I came up with is because we want to. Yes that is right, we want to. We are making the choice to allow ourselves to be guided by yesterday and tomorrow. It is a choice. The only thing/person that controls you is you. Don't blame your spouse, your friends, your co-workers, your boss, sister, mother, father, brother, and the list goes on and on. YOU CONTROL YOU. You control your choices, actions and thoughts and you know what....the second you understand will see your life change.

So you know what? I am going to make the choice to try to live for today....and like you it is going to be hard because many years ago I felt like I stopped living for the past but guess what I started living for? The future. So now I have to make an effort to live for today after all it is the only one I know I have.

Source 1, 2 Please know that I google for images to use on my blog and I often times do not look at the source. So be aware when you click those

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