
Friday, March 2, 2012

Random thoughts

A few days ago Greyson and I met a friend for lunch at the spot in the picture you see above. Its beautiful right? I can't believe how perfect the setting looks in this picture and it makes me smile to think that that location is about a 20minute drive from my house (this is not the beach 5 minutes from my house!). I am hoping this weekend is going to give a break from the rain and colder weather as there is a walking trail that goes around the water that I hope we can go walk on this weekend but the weather is supposed to be rainy as usual.

I have been back to trying to lose about 30lbs again and so I have been trying to get to the gym 5 days per week but this week I haven't made it 5 although the week isn't over right? So unlike most people who watch TV, people watch, or listen to music while they work out I do this:

Yep I read. Somehow I manage to tune out the music in the background and the people talking and I get a lot of good reading done on the treadmill! So tell me what do you do at the gym?

As I am sitting here typing this I am really wishing we could take a vacation.....Seth's mom and good friend are coming out to visit for almost 2 weeks next Thursday so company and familiar faces will be a nice change but that doesn't stop me from wishing to be here:

Image from
Or here overnight with my husband without the little guy as this has yet to happen in almost 5 years........

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