
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Personal Counseling

Psychotherapy tree image from

So if I haven't posted this before (I think I have) I attend personal counseling sessions weekly. Part of this is to work on my own issues and part of this is to work on my own counseling skills and to experience counseling from a clients perspective. It wouldn't be fair for me to become a counselor without ever experiencing counseling don't you think?

I am a self professed control freak...yes you read that right I am a control freak and I plan everything to the point where if I can't plan I seriously flip out. When I can't plan or control is causes me anxiety. My whole point in this self confession is to help people understand that everyone has issues. My issue just happens to be that I am a control freak (although I am sure my counselor would pin point out some more!).

So I plan to stay in counseling for a little bit longer although I do think my counseling program is going to help me work on A LOT of my issues! I can honestly say that I never really expected that I would be working on so many self issues in my program. Every week I learn, evaluate, search, and determine something new about myself because it is required of me in my counseling program and I honestly can't wait to see where this journey takes me...hopefully you will stay along for the ride ;)

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