
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A little down time....

We all need it right? I have spent the last few days having some down time where I didn't do any homework or read anything related to school...I have to say it was so nice! I have decided that I will start reading for next week tomorrow night so that I am not behind when the week hits. I also spent the last few days shopping which I tend to do every time my mother in law comes into town... ;) I think my husband hears cha ching every time she comes into town.

So today I decided that Greyson and I would paint this evening. He painted something for his Nona and then painted something for Pat (his Nona's friend) so that they could have a pretty picture for their wall back in Kansas. So here he is painting for his Nona. She loves sunflower anything so he wanted to paint her one.
I decided once he went to bed this evening that I was going to give painting a go...I have never done it before so here is my very first painting. We used acrylic paint because it dries much faster than oil paints do and it is much safer for a 4.5 year old to use ;) .

I love owls so of course I decided to paint one....

So besides shopping this is what I have been up to the last few days...I will be back to regular posting in a few days ;)

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