
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wait what week am I in???

I always forget to post what I am doing for school so I am going to try and make it a regular Sunday post from here on out. So on Sunday's I will post my upcoming week's assignments for my courses. Currently I am in week 4! I can't believe it has been a month already. Time really is flying by and I am enjoying every minute of it.

This was me this evening:

For my Lifespan course weekly we have to respond to case studies located within our textbook. So this is what I do while I am reading/re-reading the case study. I make notes to help me remember the places and roles of people within the "case". I find writing things down helps me get the big picture and allows my brain to start working :)

So this week here is whats due:

Discussion post
2 discussion responses
Case conception

Discussion post
2 discussion responses
Article reading/discussion post (about serotonin and suicide)
Ethics law case extra credit reading/discussion post (Ward vs EMU)

Discussion post
2 discussion responses
Personal Narrative paper

Loving it so far!

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