
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Only Children

A few days ago Greyson and I went on a play date with a few friends from his school. This was the first time we had been anywhere with these moms so naturally it was a recap of everything. Husbands, work, life, kids, cooking etc. The one topic that came up and stuck for a bit was kids and if we were going to have another. These moms had 2 and 3 children each and so apparently the concept of only having one was foreign. When I stated that we most likely won't be having another I felt like I should have stapled this to Greyson's back:

I honestly get tired of people making comments about how only children are lonely, not social, need someone to play with and insert whatever else crap excuse that people come up with as to why we should have another. I know plenty of people who have multiple children who frankly don't pay attention to one (or more) of them, siblings that don't play together, moms who never have enough time for each of them etc. No I am not saying having more than one child is bad, if that is your choice that is great for you but for me and my husband more than one is not what we want. I would be lying if I said at times I didn't think of having another but it is just not in our plans.

We have very personal reasons for not choosing to another child and I wish people would honestly stop asking. So for those of you who are one of those people who constantly ask someone when/if they are having another, can you please stop and think that there are some (myself included) that have medical reasons that they are choosing not have another child and please stop saying that my child is going to have (insert issue here) because he doesn't have a sibling because siblings don't protect you from (insert issue here) because I have 4 and I still have issues.

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