Part of my counseling program is figuring out what theoretical orientation you feel you most aline with that will either serve as your only or will become your base while you intermingle other theories but remain true to your base. Over the last few weeks I have read about a few different theories and I can honestly say that at this very moment I am really loving the approach that Adlerian therapist take when they are working with their clients.
Adlerian counseling is built upon encouragement and holds the belief that encouragement opens the doors for great change. I like that Adlerian counselors meet and see the person where they are and don't focus to much on the past other than to understand how their past has shaped their views in today. Adlerians describe encouragement as : showing faith in people, expecting them to assume responsibility for their lives, and valuing them for who they are. In essence they are saying:

I am sure this all sounds simplistic right? That simply offering encouragement can change someones life...well I am here to tell you I believe that it can. Think back to the last time you got an atta boy from your boss for example? How did the rest of your day go? Did you work harder? Did you continue to work harder even after that day? I would be willing to bet that the majority of you would say why yes yes I did! Of course I am not saying that encouragment is all there is to helping and using the Adlerian method but it is a major part of it and I honestly appreciate it!
I could go on and on but alas this is a blog and I don't think you would keep reading my crap would cha? For more information about Adler and his methods go to the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology.
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